Wednesday, March 31, 2010

BioDoctor 健康檢測系統

10分鐘完成28項健康檢測! Skin impedance measurement device


雙手可說是身體的縮影,手上的穴位隨時反映生命力的旺盛或衰弱。忽略了這些警訊,接下來就必須面對疾病的痛苦。BioSum【健康檢測筆】結合精密科技與東西方醫學,透過手部穴位檢測,只要10分鐘即可完成28器官 ---肝功能、哮喘(氣喘)、感冒、便秘、咳嗽、眩暈、左腎、右腎、腎結石、尿道、小腸、心律不整、心臟、外痣、內痣、坐骨神經、肝炎、肺、腎盂、大腸、十二指腸、膀胱、三酸甘油脂、血糖值(糖尿病)、膽固醇、腦神經衰弱、腸炎的現況判讀;人性化的使用設計,讓大家隨時隨地關心健康狀況。這項震撼國際的發明,不僅獲得日內瓦發明金獎肯定,更開創預防醫學新紀元。最有價值的健康檢查,是在還沒有症狀之前就發現徵兆,BioSum【健康檢測筆】幫您找出體內隱形殺手。

Skin impedance measurement device

Only five minutes, giving you twenty-six kinds of examinations for health!

The acupuncture points of our two hands always carry the information associated with the functions of our health. Without noting the information provided by acupuncture points, we may suffer from some diseases easily. The “distance health detector” combines the modern techniques and traditional Chinese medicine theories for characterizing 26 organs in 5 minutes by measuring the acupuncture points. Many international invention awards and patents have approved this surprising invention. The most valuable health examination is to find diseases that have not occurred. Our BioDoctor can help you achieve this goal.


學理依據 Scientific Theory Basis

1950年,日本中谷義雄博士 (Dr. Yoshio Nakatani) 在進行研究腎臟病水腫患者時,發現經絡中的變化,可利用穴位電阻抗來測定。這些在皮膚上一系列的點,稱為良導點(Ryodoten),良導點連成線,即是良導絡(Ryodorakn)。而「良導點」與「良導絡」的位置,正符合中國醫學中的穴道經絡。







生物能醫學 (Bioenergetic Medicine) 提出的新解釋--中醫所謂的「氣」,就是物理學所講的「能量」,就是「生物能」,是支配人體器官功能平衡的關鍵。身體各部份功能互動時,當有不平衡的信息出現,則表明身心靈失衡,因而致病。信息的偵測,可幫助身體整體的診斷與治療生物能醫學試圖藉由測量,將它數據化,作為診療的指標。

生物能信息醫學是根據1975年德國傅爾 (R. Voll) 推出的傅爾電針系統,經過作者偕同研究群發展出的對臨床醫學的新詮釋。傅爾在1960年代發明檢測生物能的方法--「穴位電檢法」。

經絡就像人體體內隱形的電線,負有傳導氣 (能量) 的功能,傳統中醫針灸的原理就在於藉著體表穴位的插針來改變體內經絡氣的流動,來影響體內臟器,達到治療效果。而所謂穴位電檢法 (其儀器稱為傅爾電針或穴檢儀) 乃是利用經絡系統傳導的這個特性,首度將經絡的氣能量轉換成電量加以測量,以診斷病患。由於經絡攜帶著關於內臟的訊息,器官功能及結構一旦發生病變,相關的經絡及穴道就會受到阻礙或改變,而電檢法只要測量位於體表穴位電量的大小,即可以得出體內器官的病變情形。


《中原大學中醫工程中心人體試驗報告》 作者︰林淑月碩士論文

《手穴診斷於臨床之應用》翁清松教授 私立中原大學 生物醫學工程研究所

Resistance Research Origin

In 1950, Dr. Yoshio Nakatani discovered changes in the meridian network in his research on patients with kidney swelling. Tests were conducted by use of acupuncture point resistance. This series of points on the skin are called Ryodoten which are connected into a line known as Rydoraku. The locations

of the Ryodoten and the Ryodoraku coincide with the meridian network in Chinese medicine.

Dr. Yoshio Nakatani also found that patients suffering tuberculosis, diseases of the heart, the kidney, the liver, the urinary bladder, the gall bladder, and the stomach tend to manifest symptoms at corresponding Ryodotens of the meridian network. He made use of these Ryodotens to diagnose and treat diseases. Various researches show that acupuncture points possess electric properties. In other words, the surrounding tissues of these acupuncture points have greater conductivity. Changes in organ function can also be detected through conductivity of these corresponding acupuncture points. In 1957, he published “Ryodoraku Treatment” in Journal of Science. The study results have been tested and improved by experts in different nations and are used today.

In 1953, German physician Dr. Reinhold Voll discovered that the smallest units of organisms contain photons. This type of Bio-photon is distributed inside and outside of all cells. His research shows that the photon circuit in human body is almost identical with the meridian network known to Chinese acupuncturists for millennia (366 acupuncture points were found). He measured electric impendence of the meridians on acupuncture points by use of electric responses between the meridians and the acupuncture points. The sizes and changes of these resistances reflected the physical conditions of the patients. In 1958, French acupuncturist Niboyet conducted resistance tests on the he surrounding skin of the acupuncture points. He discovered the low-resistance property of acupuncture points and the resistivity was 20-50% lower than that of the skin.

Empirical results by medical professionals in different countries laid foundation for objective basis of acupuncture point meridian. It is an expression of the 5 visceras and the 6 bowels of the body. Through skin resistance and current tests, physical mechanisms are further observed. Results are recorded and stored in the computer. Then, curves are drawn to determine health and physical energy. This electro-acupuncture by Voll test serves as a communication bridge between traditional Chinese medicine and modern western medicine. The body of medicine is the result of knowledge and experiences of all.

Nerve Conduction

In modern medicine, the nervous system is the command center for the systems in the human body. It plays an important role in endocrine and immune system regulations. It is widely distributed from the head to the four limbs and from the internal organs to the body surfaces. They are not only interconnected but also interrelated. When certain organs undergo pathological changes, the nervous system also undergoes a series of changes from the peripheral nerves to the central nerves and from the central nerves to the peripheral nerves of the body. These changes are also transmitted to the palm and the fingers controlled by the cerebral cortex.

According to electro-physiological view points, the life process of the human body involve functional activities of the tissues and the organs. These functional activities are accompanied by bioenergy. When certain organs undergo pathological changes, the bioenergy becomes abnormal following abnormal functional activities. The bio-electric field will eventually loose balance partially or completely.

Therefore, if the meridians of the body are obstructed, the nerves will lose control and illnesses will result. Similarly, if the bio-electric field loses balance, illness will also result. This device uses” Standard Micro Current” which is slightly higher than the bio-electricity in the human body. As pathological organs have lowered resistance against stimuli such as cold, heat, pressure, and electricity, and increased sensitivity, inductance response comparisons are conducted. Test instruments correspond to acupuncture points of the palm and the fingers. Based on “less than, equal to, or greater than” levels, the state of an illness can be determined and the illness can be diagnosed. Meanwhile, pulse micro-current is used on body surface acupuncture points to adjust the bio-electric filed, stimulate Qi (energy), channel the meridians, relieve convulsion and pain, and preserve health. Negligible electric current is injected on the acupuncture points of the skin to detect the resistance of the acupuncture points. It is undetectable by the human body and does not interfere with original bodily conditions. It is a non-invasive yet comprehensive test.

Medicine Application

The term Bioenergetic Medicine refers to “Qi” in Chinese Medicine or “energy” in physics. The so-called bioenergy is the key to homeostasis of the human body. When bodily functions interact, unbalanced signals manifested in mind, body or spirit and cause diseases. Signal detection helps in overall diagnosis and treatment. Bioenergetic Medicine uses data measured as indicators during treatment.

Bioenergy signals are based on Electro-acupuncture by Voll, EAV released by R.Voll in 1975. The author and his research team gave new definitions to clinical medicine. In the 1960s, Voll invented “Electro-acupuncture by Voll”, a test that measures bioenergy.

The meridians resemble invisible electrical wires in the human body that conduct Qi (energy). Traditional acupuncture principles lie in changing the meridian flow of Qi in order to alter internal organ conditions and treat diseases. The so-called EAV (Electro-acupuncture of Voll or Electro dermal screening Test) uses the transmission feature of the meridian system and converts meridian energy into electricity for measuring purpose and patient diagnosis. Since meridians contain messages of the internal organs, once the organ functions and structures undergo pathological changes, related meridians and acupuncture points will be either obstructed or changed. As long as electricity sizes on respective acupuncture points are measured by Electro-acupuncture method, information related to pathological change s of the internal organs can be obtained.

Articles extracted

◎《Human Test Report, Chinese Medicine Engineering Center, Chung Yuan Christian University AuthorLin Shu-Yue, Master thesis

◎《Clinical Applications of Acupuncture Points on the Hand DiagnosisProf. Won Qin-Sung, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University