雙手可說是身體的縮影,手上的穴位隨時反映生命力的旺盛或衰弱。忽略了這些警訊,接下來就必須面對疾病的痛苦。BioSum【健康檢測筆】結合精密科技與東西方醫學,透過手部穴位檢測,只要10分鐘即可完成28器官 ---肝功能、哮喘(氣喘)、感冒、便秘、咳嗽、眩暈、左腎、右腎、腎結石、尿道、小腸、心律不整、心臟、外痣、內痣、坐骨神經、肝炎、肺、腎盂、大腸、十二指腸、膀胱、三酸甘油脂、血糖值(糖尿病)、膽固醇、腦神經衰弱、腸炎的現況判讀;人性化的使用設計,讓大家隨時隨地關心健康狀況。這項震撼國際的發明,不僅獲得日內瓦發明金獎肯定,更開創預防醫學新紀元。最有價值的健康檢查,是在還沒有症狀之前就發現徵兆,BioSum【健康檢測筆】幫您找出體內隱形殺手。
Skin impedance measurement device
Only five minutes, giving you twenty-six kinds of examinations for health!
The acupuncture points of our two hands always carry the information associated with the functions of our health. Without noting the information provided by acupuncture points, we may suffer from some diseases easily. The “distance health detector” combines the modern techniques and traditional Chinese medicine theories for characterizing 26 organs in 5 minutes by measuring the acupuncture points. Many international invention awards and patents have approved this surprising invention. The most valuable health examination is to find diseases that have not occurred. Our BioDoctor can help you achieve this goal.